Saturday, April 30, 2011


Interesting post on the dominance of old architects
via archialternative


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Forum for the Future

A forum space for free speech, discussions and activities. A future vision for democracy in egypt.

In such revolutionary moments in history, similar to the one egypt amd the whole middle east is going through, can architects act as provisioners and/or catalysts of such transformations?
Our studio this semeter at the aastmt discusses the possibilties and challenges of post-revoluionary egypt, and the role of architects in redifining political spaces. Unlike our previous semester (which was concerned with environmental issues check it here) this semester's design unit focuses on space, spatial experience and spatial qualities. This is applied through designing a future forum space for all types of interaction, discussions, events... etc. The main focus will be on 4 major spatial themes, color, texture, light, and scale as tools of defining space and experience.

The initial assignment to students was to research and analyze spatial experiences of similar congregation spaces for masses from futuristic or sci-fi visions in cinema, literature, or computer games. The diversity and creatvity resulting from this research assignment proved essential for the developing of the individual visions of each student. Examples included avatar, star wars, harry potter books, wall-e, tron computer game and others.
More about the development of the studio work as work progresses.

The galactic senate (Star Wars)

Monday, April 4, 2011

You still ask...

And you still ask...
And you still wonder...
And you still can't see...

That your question was answered
And that the answer had gone rotten

But you still ask...
over and over again...
no matter what... you still ask